From Theory to Practice: Cezary Łepek's Diploma Thesis on the Process of Creation in Building Relationships

Through the process of the School of Creation, I embarked on a path of deep self-discovery. A key aspect of this journey was the creation of a vision – one that is clear, authentic, and aligned with my values – and taking daily actions that guide me toward it. It is important to emphasize that this vision is not a mere whim; it is a passion that flows from unconditional love.
I also realized that creating a life is not just about achieving goals, but primarily about the courageous act of being in harmony with who I truly am. If I am not in alignment with this, I lose my inner strength.
Listening to oneself is an art. It requires a subtle distinction between what is false and rooted in fear, and what arises from deep, inner wisdom. Like finding a compass in chaos, it’s about uncovering the truth that organizes life—a truth not imposed by the outside world, but flowing from the depths of existence.
Creating oneself begins with awareness. Change becomes possible when we recognize the patterns that no longer serve us and consciously choose how to transform them. This process requires self-reflection: Why do I want to change? Where does the old pattern originate? What values am I acting in alignment with?
The body, as the carrier of memory, holds traces of old patterns, emotions, and experiences that are often outdated yet still influence our being. To reach these places, I use breath, attention, and unconditional love, which help me unite these fragments within myself. In this way, I learn to recognize where the flow of life has been disrupted and how to restore harmony. The body, like a map, shows where energetic blockages exist – places that demand attention and transformation. These blockages can manifest as tension, pain, or even illness. Transformation involves identifying these blockages, understanding their origins, and transforming them in a way that supports our truth and values.
Another crucial point is learning how to be with others. After all, we are 'social beings.' Every relationship acts as a mirror in which our shadows and lights are reflected, showing us our strengths and the areas that need attention. Encounters are dialogues that offer an opportunity for mutual growth. Sometimes, they press on our most sensitive points. In these moments, it is easy to perceive this as an attack, but if we look deeper, we can see it as an invitation for reflection. What lessons does this situation offer me? What does it show me? What can I learn from it to become a more aware, authentic version of myself?
Relationships teach us not only about others but, most importantly, about ourselves. Openness, a willingness to accept what is often difficult, and the ability to transform it into something valuable are essential. Growth in relationships also means finding common paths. It is an encounter where people not only share their experiences and perspectives but also create something new together. Above all, it is an act of creation.
In summary, creating relationships – both with others and with oneself – is a process. A process that constantly evolves, unveiling new layers of truth and illusion, leading me toward a deeper understanding of myself, the world, and my role within it.
At the School of Creation, the framework for self-observation is built around archetypes. These universal, primal patterns exist in the collective consciousness of all people. They are innate, meaning that every individual carries the potential of these archetypes, regardless of culture or environment. They embody various aspects of our lives, acting as 'templates' for our inner world. Each archetype brings unique qualities, but their collaboration requires harmony. The archetypes of the Father, Mother, and Child form the foundation for understanding the inner dynamics of the 'Inner Family.'
I wondered why, at times, I felt confident, and at others, like a child lost in a fog? Why do I sometimes stray from my goals? And why do I fall into the same demotivating patterns? Answers began to emerge when I realized that each of these roles – Father, Mother, Child – carries its own unique energy and vibration, which influences my actions, relationships, and perception of the world. However, understanding alone is not enough; integration of the 'Inner Family' and tuning into these vibrations are necessary. Specific mantras, for instance, can help in this process.
The Father archetype, representing 'Divine Masculinity,' is the voice of order, understanding, and unconditional love, the foundation of our strength. He is the guide who sets the direction. The Mother reminds me of the value of care, support, and creating space. She shows me what can be done and how to do it. The Child is the source of my curiosity, joy, and desire for discovery. The Child reminds me of the importance of being present in the here and now, open to receiving new experiences with an open heart. The Father sets the need, the Child delights in it and wishes to manifest it, while the Mother provides the guidance.
This process calls for mindfulness and an open heart. Through the heart, I can discern truth from falsehood and recognize what truly matters to me. Unconditional love, flowing through all aspects of the Inner Family, forms the foundation for lasting creation. It is what enables me to trust both myself and the world, knowing I am never a victim. I can always return to the beginning—the seed of the creative process
Exploring the Archetypes and Transforming Relationships
1. Father Energy: Creating a Vision
There was a time when I felt lost, set adrift in life without direction. For a long time, I didn’t feel fully present. In relationships, there was fear of commitment, fear of losing freedom, and above all, fear that I wasn’t enough. I didn’t have a clear vision for my relationships and didn’t even know if I wanted to be in one. I viewed reality through the lens of lack, losing sight of what I already had. I would describe this as the great escape, where I slowly distanced myself, both in my relationships and my career. It was a response to an existential pain I couldn’t quite comprehend – it was made up of many subtle layers and connections, hard to pin down in one statement. I often felt burnt out and cut off from my energy.
In the School of Creation, I began to understand the blockages and irrational patterns of behavior. I realized that many things were deeply rooted in my subconscious and that many of my beliefs were externally imposed, patterns that did not support my authenticity. I began slowly unraveling these layers to get to the core of myself. I dug down to my authentic values and needs and began building a vision. Working with the Father energy taught me something fundamental: a vision is like a lighthouse that guides you when the darkness sets in. Although I’m still in the process, I feel as though I am returning to a source that was always within me, but one I couldn’t hear or see amidst all the distractions.
Now, with a vision in place, I can genuinely feel gratitude for what is materializing within and around me. I can see where I still need to work, but I can also clearly identify where my true needs begin. In my current relationships, I am learning not to focus on what’s lacking, and I allow fear to paralyze me less and less. I handle uncertainty better and approach conflicts with more awareness, no longer running from them.
I know this journey requires practice. It calls for constant return to the fundamentals and reflection on my values. I need to return to the Father to remind myself and avoid being distracted in other directions.
Key Elements Explored:
From a space of unconditional love, without the need for control, I observe the situation. What are my needs? What are the needs of others? I listen with acceptance, aiming to understand, and generate solutions based on this understanding.
What is guiding me? What goal am I striving for? I pay attention to the information and concepts I have taken on from the outside. Are they authentic and supportive? I decide whether to keep them or change them to a more suitable approach. Am I acting in alignment with my vision, love, and understanding? What is my true intention? How does my vision look? Are my actions in line with it? What is my body trying to tell me? What beliefs or emotions may be connected to this area?
2. Child Energy: Integrating Wisdom from Experiences
Before beginning the School of Creation process, difficult experiences, rather than enriching me, became burdens that distanced me from relationships and from myself. I escaped into dreams, allowing reality to pass me by. I let my inner child waste energy in illusions – 'daydreaming.' I felt tension, as though something within me was always suspended. I believed there was no way out, that it wasn’t worth experiencing.
Working with the Child archetype reminded me of the power of curiosity and openness. Instead of avoiding pain, I began to see lessons within it. Looking back, I no longer just see difficulties, but wisdom that I can draw from. I am learning to live in the present moment, embracing its beauty and challenges. I look at past relationships with increasing understanding.
The Child within me, once sluggish and unwilling, now slowly desires to explore the world again. Day by day, I realize that joy doesn’t have to be something unattainable; it can be a reality if I just make space for it.
In relationships, I am increasingly appreciating and recognizing the things that enable creation. I value open and honest communication. I run less and less, and I am more present, even in difficult situations.
Key Elements Explored:
What skills do I want to develop to enable co-creation and more conscious relationships? What experiences enrich me on my life path? I focus on the here and now, on fully living in the moment. I use the direction set by the Father and the support of the Mother to increase my ability to engage in authentic experiences.
3. Mother Energy: Support, Structure, and Love
Before this journey, the Mother energy wasn’t very active in me. I was distant and avoided contact with others, and it felt like I was floating without any anchor. I lived in my head, looking for answers outside of myself, but not seeking them within. I felt unsupported and uncertain about what I had to offer. I didn’t know how to build a sustainable foundation. Without the Mother’s support, I was left to figure things out alone.
Over time, I began to recognize the need for balance. Through working with the Mother, I saw the importance of love, care, and boundaries. I noticed that without this support, I could never stabilize myself. I began to ground myself in the knowledge that I am worthy of care and that self-compassion is the foundation of self-growth.
In relationships, I began to appreciate both myself and others in a new way. The Mother energy taught me the value of setting boundaries and nurturing myself. I stopped fearing vulnerability and allowed others to support me. With the Mother’s wisdom, I now feel more connected to myself, knowing that I can provide the care I need and offer it to others as well.
Key Elements Explored:
What is my internal structure? What is my foundation, both in the physical world and within? Where do I need more support? What emotions arise when I think about my past? How can I reframe these experiences in a way that nourishes me?
4. Power of Inspiration: Co-creation
I couldn’t inspire others until I believed in my own worth. The lack of self-belief made me drift, allowing others and randomness to take the reins. Now I’m starting to see how my visions can merge with the visions of others, creating solid foundations for collaboration. I remind myself that inspiration isn’t just about words, but also actions – being an example that encourages others to grow.
It’s the moment when what’s internal gains the courage to come out into the world. Vision begins to meet the world, other people, their visions, values, and needs.
In the relationship, we start to notice if our values and visions are aligned. I feel that more and more often, there’s more inspiration than struggle in our relationship. Through working through difficulties, our relationship gains a new dimension each time. The ability to have honest, deep conversations has become a foundation. We still need to develop the search for common paths.
5. Priorities and Boundaries: The Key to Healthy Relationships
The lack of boundaries and chaos in priorities used to be part of my everyday life. The inability to communicate my needs made relationships full of misunderstandings and frustration.
Boundaries, which once seemed like obstacles, are now becoming spaces for mutual understanding. Thanks to the self-confidence I’m gradually building, these boundaries don’t separate, but protect, allowing us to stand together in partnership as equal co-creators of our shared path. As a result, our relationship gains a new quality. Instead of chaotically going in different directions, a common line of collaboration emerges. I’m learning to set priorities that support both me and my partner.
This is also a crucial part of exploring and transforming the 'Mr. Nice Guy' pattern. Instead of unconsciously trying to please others at my own expense, I’m learning that true kindness comes from authenticity, not from seeking approval. It's about realizing that being 'nice' doesn't mean submitting, but offering genuine care and respect – for both myself and others.'
The mutual discovery of ourselves allows us to see both possibilities and limitations. Understanding the authentic nature of oneself and one’s partner is the key to realistic and effective collaboration. The challenge is to not create a relationship based on myths or fantasies, but on understanding the possibilities and limitations of both ourselves and our partner in the ever-changing circumstances of daily life, enabling realistic and effective cooperation.
6. Joint Action and Observation: Manifestation of Vision
This is the moment when one consciously analyzes what works in the relationship and what needs to change. I’m learning to look at what we’re creating together with gratitude and mindfulness.
A relationship is a continuous evolution; it’s about jointly searching for solutions and learning from mistakes. Every day is an opportunity for growth, as long as we allow ourselves to be present. I’m constantly learning to view the relationship differently. I see that it’s not about creating an ideal picture, but rather something we create together, every day, in every moment. What once seemed like a difficulty, I’m beginning to see as an opportunity for growth, for better understanding myself and my partner, and for building something real. I’m increasingly understanding that a relationship is a process, not a goal in itself. Understanding this stage has brought much good to my current partnership.
7. Understanding Ancestral History and Karma: Return to Wholeness
Expanding awareness of ancestral experiences and karmic influences has made me reflect on how they shape our current decisions, relationships, and creative dynamics.
I realized how much of what influences my life is embedded in my body—my posture, tensions, and deeply rooted reactions. But it doesn’t end there. I saw that not only my own experiences, but also those of my ancestors, and even past life experiences, can impact my reactions, fears, and patterns.
Discovering all of this felt like opening a door to a new level of self-understanding. I saw that I am not just a collection of random events, but part of a larger continuum. This gave me more empathy for myself and others, as well as a sense of responsibility. Since I carry the past within me, I can work on making the present and future more conscious and free from repeating old patterns.
8. Unity of Consciousness: Who Am I
The integration of all previous experiences and elements of consciousness into a coherent Wholeness is a process of deeply understanding one’s identity, values, and methods of action that define who I am.
Knowing myself has always been a crucial part of my exploration. I believe that understanding my own conditioning is key to true growth. We are all born into a specific context—a world that imposes certain roles, patterns, and expectations upon us. To me, consciousness is the process of uncovering these layers, peeling them back, and integrating them. Through the Creative Process, I can examine these layers more deeply and reach the truth.
Key Elements Explored:
Understanding and knowing oneself. Integrating the past with the present. Building lasting foundations. Strengthening connection with intuition. Cultivating self-awareness. Keeping an open mind and an open heart.
9. Illusions: Distinguishing Truth from Illusion
This stage focuses on recognizing truth from illusion, in life and relationships. It’s an important chapter of deep introspection, during which I learn to see myself and others without masks and to accept my authentic 'self.'
I have always sought the truth in relationships. Truth, trust, sincerity, empathy, respect, and freedom have been key values for me. However, in hindsight, I see that I often fell for illusions, both those I created myself and those I accepted from others. For example, in my youth, my search for a relationship was often driven by romantic idealization, which led me to adopt a Werther-like mindset—escaping into idealized images of love that had no foundation in reality.
Key Elements Explored:
Recognizing the masks we wear: Becoming aware of the ways I put on masks to meet others’ expectations and how this shapes my relationships. The mirror principle: My partner and those around me reflect my own emotions, beliefs, and fears. What we see in others may be a truth about ourselves, but it can also be a distortion, shaped by projections or illusions.
One of the key elements of this process was learning to let my heart become my compass. Instead of relying solely on intellect, I try to guide myself by my values and intuition. The heart allows me to perceive what is true.
Illusions have a way of being incredibly deceptive. They seem true until we view them from a distance. Recognizing them requires tools of self-awareness, reflection, and openness to others’ perspectives. Another person, especially one who is also working on themselves, can help spot or reflect illusions I might not be able to see myself.
For me, discovering the truth is not only a personal goal but also a deeply rooted value. It’s a pursuit of authenticity, both within myself and in my relationships. Seeking the truth requires courage and a willingness to look at myself from different perspectives.
For me, the pursuit of truth is also the search for freedom.
10. Integration – Trusting in Being a Creator in Love
For a long time, I had certain elements of the creative process within me—fragments of intuition, flashes of inspiration, sometimes even tools that could have supported me in action. However, I lacked trust in them. I couldn't fully integrate them, and as a result, I couldn’t rely on them. Instead, there was often a lack of self-belief, and sometimes even resignation. Rather than celebrating what I had already achieved, I was chasing after something bigger, better, more distant.
Today, I feel that I am beginning to build within myself a structure that allows me to view life with greater calm. This structure gives me the tools to analyze, understand, and learn from every experience. Most importantly, I am learning not to succumb to fear, not to escape, but to trust. Every challenge becomes a value, not a reason for unconscious flight.
I am still learning to trust love, both towards myself and towards life. It is a process in which I gradually find the joy I once lost in the race for imagined ideals. More and more often, I feel a sense of unity – with myself, with others.
At this stage, I realized that full integration means developing trust in myself as a creator. It is a moment when I begin to recognize how the various stages of the creative process come together as a whole.
Understanding the 10 Stages of Creation in building a relationship has given me the opportunity to explore the full spectrum of love and the processes that shape it. Through this exploration, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of my purpose on Earth. I now realize that the heart, as the center of love and understanding, is my primary tool for connecting with higher consciousness.
Stage 10 is not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter...
- Cezary Łepek
Cezary is an actor and student at the School of Creation, living and working in Warsaw.
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