Marta Malinowska

Junior teacher

I am a teacher of the Creation Process according to the method of the School of Creation®. My background includes studies in process-oriented psychology and theater directing. My passion lies in supporting people through their creative journeys. Initially, this meant working primarily with artists such as actors, playwrights, and directors. Over time, my perspective has broadened. I now understand that the creative process encompasses the conscious creation of our entire lives. Just as in artistic endeavors, shaping your reality involves adhering to certain principles and understanding them deeply.

My goal is to support people in creating in accordance with their heart's path, and accompany them in learning and understanding the universal principles of creation and becoming aware of hidden, sometimes false assumptions standing in the way of the full implementation of their vision.

My journey with the School of Creation® method began shortly after the birth of my first daughter. At that time, my life seemed to unravel, and the methods I had previously relied upon were no longer effective. I urgently needed to understand how my actions and thoughts impacted my newborn daughter and how I could adjust them to achieve better outcomes. This experience proved transformative; my daughter became a clear barometer, revealing the immediate effects of my changed approaches and tools. It taught me that I am the creator of my reality, not its victim. Instead of avoiding challenges, I embraced a path of learning with curiosity, love, and acceptance, exploring how small changes in everyday life can lead to the fulfillment of my vision.

Since 2019, I have been refining and expanding my work with the School of Creation® method. I work individually with clients and facilitate group sessions focused on relationships and artistic development.

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