RELATIONSHIP BLUEPRINT 06: Joint Action and Observation

Young couple slicing vegetables in rustic kitchen

This workshop marks the stage when the manifestations of our conscious and subconscious creation become visible. Here you will explore the day to day life you have co-created, gaining valuable insights into the strengths of your relationship and areas that need additional work. You will have the opportunity to engage in and assess the dynamics of your relationship, ensuring that it aligns with your shared vision.

By examining your belief systems and behavioral patterns and how these manifest in creating your reality, you will be able to discern which methods are effective and which require improvement. This phase of creation presents us with a chance to grasp how we constructed our present reality, and which aspects need refinement to bring about transformation.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Observe your conscious creation and the outcomes it produces.
  • Gain insight into your reactions towards the results of your creation and learn to interpret what your everyday life reveals.
  • Adjust and refine methods that are not functioning effectively.
  • Embrace intimacy, understanding, and collaboration as the fundamental pillars of a thriving relationship, rather than attempting to shape your partner or yourself to conform to a preconceived mold.
  • Learn to build from the present moment instead of chasing ideals or having unrealistic expectations.
  • Recognize that challenging situations in life serve as indicators of areas that require improvement. Instead of perceiving them as punishment or feeling shame, strive to view them as opportunities for personal growth and development.