Iwona Burzyńska

Iwona, Burzynska, teacher, school of creation
Associate teacher

I support organizations, teams and individuals in the Conscious Creation of personal and professional projects. I help clients to define and follow their true passion and purpose, and assist in effective planning, communication and collaboration, in the development of their project or vision.

I will help you look in-depth into your individual or business projects and delve deeper into the root causes stopping you from getting the best out of yourself or your team. I will help identify and strengthen successful communication and management methods, and help transform any working against you into new, healthy, and effective ones.

I graduated from psychology and applied linguistics. I have 17 years of professional experience in managerial and executive positions in Global corporations. I have learnt how to create projects that work, and how to communicate them to build understanding and collaboration. For the last 9 years I have been implementing the teachings of The Process of Creation in the business world, to support the growth of people and projects. The School of Creation has taught me that the same principles apply to successful creation of any business or personal project. I support the understanding of these methods, and create according to them. I am EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) Certified Life and Business Coach and Mentor, as well as a member of EMCC.

I work in Warsaw, and via Skype, in both Polish and English.

Languages Spoken: 