In her book, Consciousness & The Enlightened Body, our Founder Ania Brandysiewicz takes us on a journey of her life's discoveries and lessons. From her childhood in postwar Poland, to her work on pioneering MRI machines, many years spent in a challenging corporate career, and ultimately, becoming an energy worker and spiritual coach. Trying to make sense of ongoing health battles with mysterious allergies and a strange, often perplexing, empathic ability to feel other people's pain led Ania on a desperate search for an "off-switch" and a lifetime of spiritual growth and discovery.
Stepping out of the space of time into the space of vibration, we see the events of her life from a new and insightful perspective. She summarizes these discoveries and offers practical steps and observations that will help you take a different approach to your life, tune in to Universal Guidance and help you heal your body by clearing emotional blocks.
"How does one become a butterfly? she asked. You must want to fly so much you are willing to give up being a caterpillar." - Anonymous
What is the meaning of life? Some say we are born, we suffer, and then we die. But I have always felt that there was more to it. In fact, the closer I looked the more I began to understand that there is a reason why each of us is here, and that we all have an impact on this world. As I eventually came to see it, we are each here not only to participate but to create the world in which we live. With this responsibility comes a choice: do we create the world consciously or do we do it blindly? Do we do it in a space of Unconditional Love or do we rely solely on our intellect? Do we separate ourselves by religion, race, age, or are we guided by the same Universal Force?
Each of us is a creator. We create a life of joy or a life of pain- more commonly, a life containing some of each. Although we desire a meaningful and joyful life, we are not always aware of what makes this possible, so we are often unable to succeed in our efforts. This book is designed to facilitate the process of understanding how to create our lives more consciously so that the joy far outweighs the pain. Creating Consciously involves learning how to reprogram ourselves, learning how to rid ourselves of destructive or harmful beliefs that are holding us back or causing us pain, and learning how to replace them with beliefs that allow us to soar to new heights of understanding of ourselves, our world and our inter connectedness.
I wrote Consciousness & The Enlightened Body, so I could pose these questions and share the choices I have made to become conscious of how I create my life. I offer my story so that you can find what resonates with you and become the kind of creator you want to be.
The book chronicles my personal journey from enjoying a successful career as an electronic engineer toward becoming what I call a Conscious Creator. As I traveled this path, life challenged me to question my beliefs, one after another. I explored many belief systems, from the Catholic faith of my childhood to the study of Chakra energies of India; from Qi Gong of ancient China to the Kabala of the Jewish book of Torah. I also had to deconstruct my own belief systems as I began to learn that changing my beliefs had a direct impact on my life. I had to unearth the beliefs hidden in my subconscious that were limiting my growth and let them go, no matter how challenging this seemed. In doing so, I experienced for the first time a feeling of Unconditional Love, from which healing becomes possible. From this space of Love I eventually developed a relationship with a source of guidance that allows us to perceive things beyond my five senses, and derive understanding from them. Making this connection has brought me to a place where I am able to 'see' where and why people have pain and 'know' how to help them free themselves from the root cause of that pain.
The book is organized around the beliefs I challenged or formed as I connected my own experiences in the 'Outer World' with my evolving relationship to the 'Inner World.' Section 1 describes how I progressed from being a left-brained academic to gaining an awareness of and a connection to a source of guidance that facilitates my learning of life's lessons. In this section I describe how I connected to a source of profound love and compassion, and began to use this to change my life and the lives of those around me.
Section 2 describes the many Levels of Consciousness I became aware of by immersing myself in love and following the guidance I received. In Section 3, I describe my emerging perception of a Trinity different from the one I had learned in my Catholic upbringing.
Finally, in Section 4, I summarize my current understanding of our abilities to tap into our own guidance and Source of Love, to become Conscious Creators. I describe the method (Isedo Therapy) I developed to assist people in their own journey, and the steps we each must take if we choose to upgrade our beliefs so they no longer limit us.
As you read each chapter, you will find three categories of information: the "Outer Life", the "Inner Life" and "New Beliefs." We all have many of the same experiences in life, but what we decide to believe about what has happened is a major factor that determines how that experience shapes us.
Next to the symbol of the clock, you will read the story of my life as told from the perspective of linear time. This includes the people, places, dates and events that shaped my life and the circumstances that allowed learning to occur. In these accounts, I describe what is happening in the outer, physical world.
Woven into the linear time line are segments I call 'Inner Life' in which I describe how I processed key life experiences that led to a new understanding of the ideas that I explore in my writings. In 'Inner Life', I describe what is going on in my inner world, the energetic realm of thought and beliefs. Each of these experiences contains symbolic breakthroughs that led me to new discoveries, levels of understanding and wisdom.
At the end of each chapter, you will also find a description of my 'New Beliefs'. These help to connect the dots from the experiences in the outer, physical world to the discoveries of the 'Inner Life.'
Section III includes meditations that I use to help me to align with the Divine Consciousness. These are offered more as examples than specific guided exercises.
Although we may not be conscious of it, we are living our lives in the same order as I have organized the material of this book. We travel repeatedly from the outer world to the inner world and 'New Beliefs' emerge. It is my hope that the lessons from my life can help in your quest to learn the lessons of your own life, so that each of you can become your very best self, a Conscious Creator in this lifetime.
This book is intended to stimulate change in your life as you read it. Each section contains beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and vibrations that can bring about new and possibly unusual experiences. Take from it what resonates deeply within you so that you create your own Truth. The lessons I describe here were lessons necessary to help me progress on my path. Your lessons, the beliefs within you that cause pain or that give you joy, are uniquely your own. Allow them to come to you in their own time.
I recommend that you read the book slowly, no more than one section at a time. In between chapters take time to let your unconscious work for you. Reflect on what you have read, see how it can be applied to your life, and watch as your own beliefs reveal themselves to you. Most of all, seek opportunities to experience Love in all its manifestations.
Each of us wants to create a beautiful and happy life. Some believe if we work hard enough, smart enough and long enough, success is sure to be ours. Others believe all we must do is visualize; we must merely want it, or imagine it happening, and it will become a reality. As you may know from your own life experiences, getting what we want in life is not quite so simple.
What isn't normally taken into account is that our lives are not only defined by what we think and what we do, but also by what we believe. Many of us, for example, have an unconscious belief that we cannot have a wonderful life because we "don't deserve it," or "never do things right" or "aren't good enough". Such beliefs will always sabotage our most conscious efforts to create the life of our dreams.
Have you ever wondered why life is full of pain-everywhere you look seems to be sickness, sadness, and frustration? What is the purpose of this pain in our lives and how can we use it to make a better world? If you were to think of yourself as a computer, pain would be the error message in the pop-up window that tells you there is a problem. If you slam your finger in the car door, pain will tell you to open the door, and quickly! But what about the pain of grief? Or the pain of disappointment? What are we to do with these? What door can we open to relieve the pain?
Much of our pain comes from the fact that we live out the same patterns over and over, in relationships for example, or by repeatedly taking jobs in which we are under appreciated. Once we recognize that we are stuck in a loop, suffering emotionally or physically, our job is to figure out what caused it, just as a computer programmer will respond to a malfunction by looking at the source code. He can determine the error that is causing the program not to do what it is expected to do. If it is getting stuck in a loop, he must then identify the root cause of the problem, and then very methodically replace the faulty code with a new one. In the same way, we too need to look at our "coding" to figure out which of our life "programs" are working and which are not.
For example, if at an early age, we have our heart broken, we may begin to assume that all relationships lead to heartache and therefore close ourselves off from future connections and never experience the fulfilling relationships we crave. Like the programmer, we have to change the logic, rewrite the code and test to see if the new code will produce the desired result. In our bodies, we have to uncover the belief that is causing the pain and look at how we created the belief - what is the logic? Is this belief working for me? Is this belief a universal truth or was it just a truth for me at that moment? If a belief is malfunctioning in our lives we need to reprogram it, and then go out into the lab called life and test if the new belief works better than the old one. We will know it is working if we are experiencing the desired result of peace and joy rather than pain.
I found that where I put my attention was key to my transformation. I had spent most of my life caught up exclusively in the outer world of matter. I was focused on jobs, relationships and tens of thousands of details that have to do with "out there". I spent my time reacting to the things that were "happening to me." Meanwhile, there was a vast inner world that remained largely unexplored.
The first step, though, is to become aware of our inner lives, below the level of consciousness and rational thought. We are occasionally reminded of the inner world when we encounter the truth and we get a "certain feeling" in our body. We need our bodies to experience, to feel, to give us this kind of feedback about what is working and what isn't. At the same time, we also need our symbolic, inner world to interpret what the body experiences. We need our conscious minds to be both the messenger and translator between the outer physical and the inner symbolic worlds. As we integrate the outer and the inner we realize that it is possible to use our minds to modify the things that are not working in our lives. This is what it means to be a Conscious Creator.
I believe, as many do, that our soul lives on beyond our physical body. When we die, the soul keeps the "deposits" we made into the symbolic, internal part of ourselves during our lifetimes. We can invest our time into asking significant questions, receiving answers and learning lessons that expand our consciousness into a more loving, compassionate, whole, humble, grateful and aware human being. We also have to resolve unfinished business, the lessons not learned, the people not forgiven, the guilt, the illusions, the shame, and the beliefs that were just not true. Many people believe that our souls keep coming back until we sort these things out.
The inner world is all about the symbols that we use to give meaning to what happens in the outer world. Language, images and dreams are all instruments through which we experience the internal. We make a choice each time the outer world of matter enters our inner world. We transform the experiences of matter and time into thoughts, beliefs and memories and then code those into our body. Using the feedback from our bodies we have the opportunity to learn from each experience and test our beliefs about the outside world. While we are here, we have the opportunity to live more consciously and authentically, learning the lessons we are here to learn so our souls can complete their journey.
Mine was not an instantaneous enlightenment, but a slow day-to-day transformation that eventually led to better understanding. I hope that in reading my story, you will see the possibility of exploring new ways of creating in your own life.
"You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself" - Buddha
My early years were strongly influenced by my father, who believed that one of life's most valuable goals was education and the pursuit of knowledge. An academic and a gifted teacher, he inspired me immensely and taught me well. I learned mathematics and science through stories, games and puzzles. He also taught me that, even if you should lose all your material possessions, what was in your head, no one could take away. My dad and I had spent a lot of time together, much of it exploring math. When I started school, I was already at the third grade level in math. I was a rather smart kid and picked things up quickly and he was very proud of me. Logic and math were not only interesting but fun and I was never afraid of them - because of the confidence I had gained through my father's teaching and encouragement. I had a solid foundation in math and science. This greatly influenced my world view and later my educational choices and career path. With this perspective I was inclined to measure everything, to try to understand how things work, and to have a rational explanation for everything that happened.
The first years of my life were spent in a small house shared by five families in Sochaczew, a rather grey and inconsequential Warsaw suburb. Our house was very old and run down and not nearly large enough for so many people. After World War II, there were not enough houses left intact for every family to have their own home. Despite having a loving family, I was the youngest by 12 years and had no playmates my own age. Fortunately when I was eight, we moved across town to a larger apartment in a neighborhood filled with a lot of other kids for me to play with.
One day, after having played all day with my new girlfriend, I returned home late and was very tired. My mother fed me and immediately put me to bed. I was too tired to talk with my dad when he came to tuck me in. I told him we should talk the next day. A few hours later, I was woken up suddenly by my mother who told me my father was having a heart attack. He died a short time later before the ambulance could get there. I was extremely traumatized by his passing. I felt I had let him down and was somehow responsible for his death. I was in so much shock, that I blocked him out of my mind and it wasn't until forty years later that I was able to recall any memories of him, or process what had happened.
Fortunately, I had a loving family consisting of a wonderful sister 18 years older and two protective older brothers - 12 and 16 years my senior - who played major roles in my life and education. Like my dad, my sister and brothers were scientifically inclined and taught me quantum physics as bed-time stories. They honed my math and science skills and taught me advanced concepts far beyond my grade level. I eventually found electronics to be the most fascinating of all sciences. In 1969 I began my degree in electrical engineering.
In 1970 I was taking a course on the science of transistors. As I was lying in bed preparing for the test and thinking about the material I found myself "going inside" and visualizing it, as if I were inside the transistor watching it work. I watched the higher energy electrons jumping through the voltage gauge and I observed how small changes in the height of the gauge could create great changes in the flow of electrons. Like salmon going up stream, only the strongest ones made it. I found that I understood it better by "becoming one" with it. The next day I described what I experienced in my visualization as part of my answer on the test. The teacher gave me an A+ and commented, "This is how it works, but I didn't teach you this." Looking back, I now see that this lesson illustrated a key principle I would later teach. New and truthful insights can emerge by imagining yourself going inside and then, perhaps surprisingly, "seeing" something from that new and different perspective.
In 1971, while Poland was still under communist rule, I met my future husband. We were studying at the same junior college in Warsaw and met on a school trip to Zakopane. We fell in love and were married two years later. Our first home was a very small studio apartment with one bedroom/living room and a kitchen. Our daughter Marta was born in 1975, and a year later, we were expecting the birth of our second child. At this point, we were unbearably cramped and I had no idea where we would put our son when he arrived. Apartments were government controlled at the time in Poland and we were told that to get something bigger we would have to go on a waiting list. The typical wait was 15 years! (If we had wanted a phone it would "only" take 10 years.) Maybe it was the hormones of pregnancy, maybe it was the unstoppable desire a mother has to do the best she can for her children, but I refused to settle for this tiny apartment.
Armed with a strong desire, persistence and a clear image in my mind of what the new bigger apartment would be like, I went straight to the top. I took my case to the Mayor of Warsaw, who regularly took meetings with the city residents. The night before my appointment with the mayor, I laid in bed overcome with anxiety wondering what I could say to persuade him to help me. I imagined asking my father for advice. Although I didn't get a specific answer, I felt calmer and more empowered. Apparently, the mayor found me very persuasive because he awarded us a new apartment in a block of apartments he had been holding in reserve. Three months after our son Greg was born, we had a new home. What amazed me most was that it looked exactly how I had envisioned it. I couldn't explain this rationally but somehow I had known what I needed and here it was, physical and real.
During the early 70's I became increasingly aware of the allergy-like symptoms I had experienced for most of my life. By the time I was a mother, I was experiencing significant bouts of sneezing, coughing, and daily sore throats. I could not attribute the symptoms to anything in particular but they were driving me crazy. I noticed my symptoms appeared consistently after about 30 minutes of my being in one place in my living room. If I moved to another corner of the room, the symptoms disappeared, in about the same amount of time. This was neither logical nor scientific and therefore difficult for my rational mind to accept. I didn't know what to do with this observation, so my symptoms persisted, wearing me down daily. Every evening I had a runny nose and became very miserable. This sad state of affairs went on for years.
One evening, feeling rather desperate, I decided to have a conversation with God, if indeed there was one. I was an atheist who had rejected my Catholic upbringing. As a dedicated and rational engineer, I lived and breathed the scientific method. But I was desperate. "Please tell me what is going on?" I pleaded to whatever was out there, "I can't go on like this".
Days later my life was transformed. I don't remember where or how I came across it, but I found a book that marked a turning point in my life. Its subject was divining for water. The little hardcover edition explained in detail how to make divining rods, find underground water sources and build wells.
The rods were simply two L-shaped pieces of metal wire. I made a pair out of wire clothes hangers. Holding them in the manner described, I wandered around the rooms of my apartment. To my great astonishment, the rods crossed at the very places I was experiencing my allergic reaction! My worst symptoms emanated from those areas where the reaction of the rods was strongest. For my engineer's mind, it was an epiphany! I didn't know what I was finding, but at long last I had a physical manifestation of what was causing my problem, one that I could actually measure.
Eventually with the use of those rods, I learned that there was a kind of energy field or force coming from below. Wow, I thought, I was on the track of something big! I went to all my friends and began checking their apartments, especially where they slept. I learned that many of them were also experiencing some sort of health problems when their beds were placed in the same field that was creating my allergy. When their heads were located within the field, they experienced headaches, sleep disturbances and generally restless nights. I also found that moving them out of the field alleviated most symptoms.
Like a cowgirl out of the Old West, I began carrying divining rods everywhere I went. I took them to work and secretly used them before meetings to find the best spot for me to sit so I wouldn't sneeze and cough the entire time.
Using my divining rods, I was able to determine that the "allergy" I was suffering was not just something wrong with my body, but rather my body's reaction to something external. After many years and a lot of research, I determined that the cause was the presence of underground water. Dealing with my allergy and learning about its source would turn out to be a multi-decade project for me.
I began to notice that there was something strangely attractive, even addictive about the places of strongest energy-even though they caused great suffering. Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to them and had to be very careful not to follow my impulse. This turned out to be more difficult than I had imagined.
Many years later, in 1986, I took a business trip to Los Angeles, California. On the weekend, I had the chance to take a motorcycle ride with a friend through the scenic mountains east of the city. It was a very hot day and the bike kicked up a lot of dust on the dirt road. I was getting thirsty so I asked him to stop. I chose a spot where we could pull over and sit down to have a drink. To my surprise, I began to sneeze! The symptoms I had back in Poland over a decade before had re-appeared. "How can this be?" I thought. "We are in the desert!" I took out my trusty divining rods and, sure enough, we had stopped on a spot where the energy of underground water was peaking. Why had I chosen that spot? It made no sense to me and frankly, seemed rather spooky.
My subconscious seemed to be directing me to "bad" places. Out of habit, or addiction, I seemed to be drawn to the harmful. I also noticed that while there were places that triggered my allergy, there were also places that made me feel quite peaceful and full of joy, like Yosemite Valley, or on a smaller scale, the serenity of sitting under my favorite tree or in a favorite room. I realized that it was time to seek positive healing places. I had to reprogram myself, to teach my brain and body to make better choices.
In order to do this I had to give up drawing energy from the power of water. Although there was a pull, and I was getting a buzz from its strength, it was actually holding me back from developing my own power. Although there have been slips over the years, I realized that I can't draw power from outside sources; my power had to come from within. I have since been committed to living my life under this guiding principle. I consciously had to repeat my intention not to draw power from the water many, many times, until I had no desire to use it any more. This was the first of my beliefs I successfully reprogrammed.
In 2000, I relocated my home to the outskirts of Grass Valley, California. I looked specifically for a house that didn't have underground water running below it. Grass Valley has been an excellent location for me simply because the energy there is positive, enjoyable and supportive.
While many little girls dream of becoming actresses, I dreamt of becoming a Fortune 500 CEO. Perhaps I didn't feel pretty enough and therefore excelled in the academic arena. Perhaps it was the intellectual influence of my siblings. Upon graduating from college, I began looking for a job in electronics. During my college years I had worked at the Institute of Computer Systems in Warsaw and learned about microprocessors and components made by Motorola and Texas Instruments. I could read circuit diagrams and learned to understand how and where each component fit and how electronic systems worked. A friend of a friend had been hired by the Xerox distributor in Poland. She told me of her great plans for travel, learning and experiencing the world under the Xerox umbrella. This was exactly what I wanted to do so I looked into getting a job there as well. Unfortunately, the European headquarters were located in the UK and the ability to speak and write English was required. Since I couldn't speak the language, I decided to learn it, to join Xerox and see the world!
I found it difficult to learn English from a book, so I began traveling to England for 2-3 months at a time, immersing myself in the language. Although a college graduate, I had no work permit and had to moonlight as a maid. During my third trip to the UK, my husband and children joined me. But this trip would prove to be different from the trips before. On December 13, 1981, the Jaruzelski regime decided to suppress the then burgeoning Solidarity Movement and declared Martial Law. The Polish borders were closed and my family and I became political refugees. But at least we were together.
This marked the end of an era. With the border closed behind us, we were unable to return to Poland and began building a new life for ourselves in England.
If I had allowed myself to be limited by my beliefs I would not have trusted what I "saw" inside that transistor, nor would I ever have considered pleading my case to the mayor of Warsaw. Trying to explain away how I was able to foresee exactly what my new apartment would look like or how I used the divining rods to find the source of my allergies seemed implausible. It was during this time in my life that the first cracks appeared in the edifice my of rational beliefs. By following what I experienced, not what I had been taught, new beliefs emerged and I was able to make my life, and my friends' lives better.
Looking back, I realize it was like being connected to the internet for the first time. Instead of functioning as a stand-alone computer learning everything on my own and knowing only what I had been taught, I could choose to be connected to the universal web which could provide all the answers I needed.
In order for any idea to come to reality, I must have unity within myself. With unity, passion and intention, I have the power to do what seems impossible.
If I ask for help, answers will come. The source-whether it is called higher intelligence, universal guidance or God-is available if I am open to listen. The "answers" are not likely to come as words, but rather as a feeling or knowing or a realization. If I act on this knowledge, events fall into place with synchronicity.
I am able to consciously reprogram my attraction to the power of water, and thereby heal my allergies.
I don't have to learn only from books. It is possible to observe and understand things by stretching my consciousness into the subject. From this perspective, I can see more than I can from the outside. I can see the structure and observe the inner laws of nature.